?ᏂᏗᏒᏬ? & ?ᎩᏬᏦᎥ? – “Of Tears, Likes, and a Cannon”

“Of Tears, Likes, and a Cannon”
(tears falling out)
(pats Haru)
“There there… Don’t beat yourself up with it, Grumpy Uncle… Everyone makes mistakes…”
“But still… I don’t know what I’m doing… Hic…”
“Oh! Wait a minute! We’re in that non-canon thingy again!”
“Yeah… The content creator must be busy or lazy at the moment to continue with the story… I think it’s the latter…”
“I still don’t get it… Anyway, why are you feeling sad? You actually did a good job… (whispers) give or take…”
“I-I saw the engagements… No one put a heart on any of my posts! Not even a share!”
“Oh no… You’ve got the social media curse… Typical symptoms are: refreshing the page every minute… Staring on the post… Waiting for the notifications…”
“You-you’re right?! I am cursed! Wait… How… How can I get rid of this affliction?”
“Well… You can close Facebook for a bit…”
(stands proudly)
“I cannot!!! I have a duty to Nika’s fans!!!”
“…yeaaah… I suppose we can’t do that… Oh! How about talking about something interesting! It’ll bring traction to Nika’s page and cure (not really) your curse!”
“Hmmm… Are you sure it will work?”
“Well… I suppose so… But what topic should we talk about? Have you got something interesting to discuss?”
“Hmmm… I’ve got nothing… Anyway, I’m still trying to figure out how we got here in this non-canon thing…”
“Best not to think about the details, Yuki… At least we aren’t trapped here for eternity… We just need to wait it out…”
“UGH… But what if I wanna go back to my treasure?”
“Just be patient… Hmmm… Since we can’t think of anything, I guess we can only go back to the sto…”
(brings out a cannon)
“Maybe it’s kinda like the elemental weaknesses in my game! Good thing I came prepared…”
(eyes wide)
“…ry? Wait? Where did you get that? What are you…”
(tries to light up the cannon)
“I’m going to fight fire with water! Non-Canon vs Cannon!”
“Wait!!! It doesn’t work like that!!! Nooooo!!!”
(the room ignites in a huge explosion)
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***Start of a Dream (free visual novel)