Meanwhile in Nika's Universe...

24 September 2020

Music Theater #15 – Si Deus me relinquit (From Kuroshitsuji)

Heya starshine!

#FUNFACT I find it interesting how the Japanese depict European culture and religious heritage in their animes and other media.

This piece, for example, is a sad prayer from a child that thinks that God has abandoned him? Don’t we all have an inner child that sometimes feels the exact same way?


Si deus me relinquit (If God has forsaken me),
Ego deum relinquo (Then I shall forsake God, too).

Solus oppressus nigram clavem habere potest (Only the oppressed may possess the black key)

Omnias ianuas praecludo (I close all doors),
Sic omnias precationes obsigno (Thus I seal away all prayers)

Sed (However),
Qui me defendet (who protects me)
Ab me terribilissimo ipse (From the most frightful: myself)?

  • About ipse: ‘Ipso’ would be more grammatically correct.

Listen to the full piece here:
? Spotify ?

? YouTube ?

? Black Butler ?

#musictheater #japanesemusic #anime #trivia

??? Do you love alchemy, elves, anime, Fantasy and Art-rock music painted with Roma and Celtic colours? ???
Nika Cantabile (
?? ?? ?〄? ?? ??


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