?ᏂᏗᏒᏬ? & ?ᎩᏬᏦᎥ? – Cabin Fever Part 4

“Cabin Fever Part 4”
(Calabolt, Haru, and Yuki walks through the forest path)
“I can’t believe you! Why did you take something that doesn’t even belong to you?”
“Well, no one wanted it.”
“Ughh… We could have been safely at home by now.”
(grabbing onto Calabolt’s hair)
“The moon is outshining our path tonight and the forest looks pretty! I really don’t understand why you’re always so angry, Grumpy Uncle.”
“That assessment is false and you know it! I love the forest as much as any other forest elf! And why are you always riding Calabolt like you would a beast? You can fly, can’t you?”
“Aww… Cala-chan doesn’t mind. Cala-chan is strong!”
(Calabolt looks up to Yuki and smiles as Haru gives off a look of disdain)
“May I remind you that if the moon is already out, it means we only have a few hours left before it completely disappears… I don’t think this is something you should rejoice about. Don’t tell me you already forgot why we need this key…”
(Yuki shrugs)
“Whatever… We’re nearly there, right?”
(slowly nods)
“My house is just past the bridge over there! How I wish Nika were here. She would have enjoyed the trip and the beautiful scenery.”
“Yeah, but Cussy called right before we left. It must’ve been important.”
“In any case, we are just fetching an item. We can do it ourselves and…”
(an echo of faint laughter rings through the path)
(looking around nervously)
“W-What was that? For a moment there… I could have sworn…”
“…Cala-chan? Cala-chan?”
“Is everything alright?”
“Y-Yeah… I just thought that I…”
(the stream of giggles flooded back)
“There it is again! That sounded like…”
“Ignore them, Calabolt.”
“Y-You can hear them too?”
“The Dryads? Of course, I do.”
(looking around)
“Huh? I didn’t hear anything! What are you guys talking about?”
“Well, of course, you didn’t. Dryads only reveal themselves to people they are err… interested in.”
“That isn’t fair! I also want them to be interested in me! Someone told me that they were pretty to look at and fun to play with!”
“Kazan used to say the same thing… Although, I can understand why the Dryads won’t show themselves to this player anymore. They can’t forgive the cold stare he gave after he got bored of dawdling with them…”
(Haru stops)
“Now that I think about it, it’s to be expected… Knowing him… He may seem warm and welcoming at first but…”
(ruffles his feathers)
“I looked everywhere but I really don’t see anything! Are you sure you guys aren’t playing tricks on me? It’s not funny…”
“The mind of a child might not comprehend it yet but… Mark my words, you do not want these female’s attention. Let’s leave it at that, shall we?”
(For a brief moment, Calabolt notices Haru shuddering)
“Oooh! We can almost see my house from here!”
“Over there! See the highest tree on the hill?”
“Oh… You live in a… treehouse?”
(glowing excitedly)
“It’s a fort!”
(nervously sweats)
(the group approaches the bridge)
(turns around)
“Hmmm? What is it Cala-chan? Is it those pesky dryads again?”
“Uhmm… No. I hear something else… It’s like screeching noises and… Is someone being attacked?!”
(looking at each other, the group hurriedly runs toward the noise)
(peeking from the bushes)
“Oh! It’s just the Dragulyths. They screech while feeding on those helpless shiny flowers.”
“B-But I thought I heard a cry for help…”
“It might be from those poor shiny flowers…”
“But aren’t they just flowers…?”
“Hmmm? Shiny flowers? You mean the Bloomsprites?”
“Bloomsprites? They just look like dandelions to me.”
“Dandelions? No, and they aren’t flowers! They are what some faes call lesser creatures. But they are sentient just like you and me.”
“Sorry… So, they have Majïk?”
“In a way, all of us have Majïk.”
“It’s always happening during this time of the cycle. The meanie Dragulyths keep scaring away and eating the shiny flowers.”
“Well, it is the time for Bloomsprites to mate and for the Dragulyths to prepare their hibernation…”
(flies in between the Dragulyths and the Bloomsprites)
“I can’t take it anymore! Hey! I thought I told you to not harm the shiny flowers! Bad Dragulyths!”
(shocked, the dragulyths flew away)
“That’s right! And don’t come back!”
“Yuki… They aren’t doing this because they are evil. It’s just the circle of life.”
“I don’t care! I… ouch!”
(Bloomsprites turn on Yuki, stinging him repeatedly)
“Hey! I just helped you guys! Why are you being so mean?”
“Maybe they thought you were going to attack them?”
“Hmmm… I heard that they are a bit territorial…”
“Oww… let’s just get out of here!”
(Haru and Calabolt follows a fleeing Yuki to his doorstep)
“I think we lost em…”
“Uhhh… Yuki.”
(Yuki looks to where Calabolt is pointing at)
(Bloomsprites attack Yuki as he approaches the door)
(whispers to himself)
“Is it because Yuki invaded their territory? That may explain the first wave but why do they attack Yuki relentlessly? Sure, they claim a large area for their own but we should have passed their borders by now… I haven’t heard of any Bloomsprite getting this aggressive to a fae. Maybe…”
“Oww… Let’s just get inside!”
(Calabolt reaches for Yuki, shielding him from the Bloomsprite’s assault)
“Hmmm… Come to think of it, it’s been ages since I last visited.”
(the group take refuge inside Yuki’s home)
“Welcome to my tree fort!”
“Ughh… Couldn’t you keep this place a bit cleaner? I mean, why do you need all this junk?”
“This isn’t junk! All of these are my treasures!”
(Calabolt walks in the house, stepping on mountains of shiny trinkets)
(scratches his head)
“H-How can we hope to even find this key in time now? The moon is getting higher and higher?!”
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