Meanwhile in Nika's Universe...

19 August 2020

Music Theater #02 – The Ruby Red Shoes


Heya starshine!

#FUNFACT I titled this piece The Ruby Red Shoes not only as a tribute to one of the childhood fairytales that left a mark on me, but also because I practiced ballet seriously until I was 16 years old. This waltz strongly reminds me of this period…


β€œDance you shall,” said he, β€œdance in your red shoes till you are pale and cold, till your skin shrivels up and you are a skeleton! Dance you shall, from door to door, and where proud and wicked children live you shall knock, so that they may hear you and fear you! Dance you shall, danceβ€”!”

? The Red Shoes by Hans Christian Andersen ?

Listen to the full piece here:

? Spotify ?

? YouTube ?

#musictheater #theredshoes #fairytale #trivia

??? Do you love alchemy, elves, anime, Fantasy and Art-rock music painted with Roma and Celtic colours? ???

Nika Cantabile (

?? ?? ?〄? ?? ??


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Main Title (From β€œGame of Thrones”) // Nika Cantabile - Hotaru's Road (Special Edition)
  1. Main Title (From β€œGame of Thrones”) // Nika Cantabile - Hotaru's Road (Special Edition)